Just Clean Jokes and Funny Stories

silly jokes

On this website you will find loads of jokes and funny stories on lots of different subjects to laugh at. The humor content on this site is suitable for all ages to see.

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Our 'Joke of the Day' for Saturday, May 4th, 2024

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Toby who?
Toby or not Toby, that is the question.

Here are some random jokes

Jokes about Old Age
Old bed-makers nver die, they just get debunked.

Located in the Jokes about Old Age section
Jokes about Christmas
What does Santa call his wife at tax time?
A dependent Claus.

Located in the Jokes about Christmas section
Jokes about Ghosts
What do ghosts like to drink?

Located in the Jokes about Ghosts section
Scottish Jokes
What do you call a Scotsman who has an Apple computer?

Located in the Scottish Jokes section
Police Jokes
Detective: So how did you get into counterfeiting?
Criminal: I answered a newspaper ad that said, "Make money at home."

Located in the Police Jokes section
How Do Jokes
How do bees keep their hair looking neat and tidy?
They use honeycombs.

Located in the How Do Jokes section
Childrens Jokes
Which hand should you use to stir your coffee?
Neither, you should use a spoon.

Located in the Childrens Jokes section
Humorous Famous Books
How To Upkeep Your Yard by Lon Moore

Located in the Humorous Famous Books section
Humorous Famous Books
The Long Walk Home by Miss D. Bus

Located in the Humorous Famous Books section
Jokes about Old Age
Old musicians never die, they just get played out.

Located in the Jokes about Old Age section